Simple flashcard education app - a completely free alternative to popular flashcard apps such as DuoLingo, Anki, Brainscape, Quizlet, Lexilize, Cram, IDoRecall and many more. Implemented and maintained by one developer, as a hobby. Feel free to use it and do not pay a penny.Create your own study sets for anything you like, not only to improve your vocabulary. You can use it for any subject e.g. Literature, History, Geography, Schience, Chemistry. Basically whatever.Spaced repetition will help you to remember the things. You can configure the rules for each subject and then switch between two modes: learning mode and testing mode. All while following the KISS pattern. I tried to kept it simple & stupid, while focusing on efficiency.Will suit you, if:1. You are a student. You want to memorize things to get better grades.2. You are a parent. You want to help your kid. (In my case, it works for 7 year old firstgrader)3. You are a teacher. You can prepare the learning materials as an excel file and distribute it to all your students. Once they setup the app, they will automatically pull whatever you prepare for them.4. You are group of students working together. You can cooperate, maintain one excel file on google drive - and use it to get better.5. You are an adult / group of adults attending a course (e.g. language course). The same as above.Features- unlimited study sets- study set split into unlimited chapters- spaced repetition, fully configurable for each study set separately- learn mode- intelligent test mode- statistics and grades- pronunciation support- works offline- import and export via Excel file- possibility to share with others, using standard channels- auto-synchronization with google drive (someone updates the data, you get them automatically, when you get online)- so simple, that also small kids can use it, once set up- Youtube channel with instructions- completely free- no ADs